How to Dramatically Improve Your Virtual Sales
Virtual or digital sales is no longer a novel concept, it’s the norm. A recent industry survey by CorporateVisions showed that 62% of sales people now conduct half their meetings over the pone or online. Which is great, because a remote sales meeting is the next best thing to being there!
Whether you’re an inside sales or as a field rep, you need to make sure that all of your remote sales meetings are as productive as an in-person meeting.
Increasing Engagement For Virtual Sales
There are many opinions, but not much research—until now. There are a few schools of thought, as to what makes an effective remote sales call.
At a basic level, there are four approaches for increasing sales engagement:
- Verbal-only – Try to “reduce friction” by keeping the conversation verbal only and not directing prospects and customers to web links, apps, or other visual storytelling aids for fear of reducing their willingness to participate
- Web Link with PowerPoint – Ask prospects and customers to go to a web link to show them some form of traditional PowerPoint presentation deck to help tell your story
- Dynamic Visual Storytelling – Use interactive visual storytelling over the web, in the form of virtual demonstrations of your solution, or using dynamic visual builds in PowerPoint, or even the salesperson “hand-drawing” simple images using a whiteboard app
- Active Customer Participation – Ask prospects and customers to grab a piece of paper and pen and hand-draw certain concepts described by the seller that help illustrate your core message—moving them from passive observer to active participant
The highest number of respondents ranked the third and fourth categories as the most effective, showed the Corporate Visions survey. It looks like 87% rarely or never ask prospects and customers to draw anything. And this happens even though 64% believe it would have a positive impact.
This comes at a time when nearly half (47%) believe their core messaging is only somewhat well-suited or worse for phone or web conference environments.
What’s the Best Solution? Find Out in Our Webinar!
Currently, there is no research to show what are the methods for increasing sales engagement in remote calls. Corporate Visions is testing out these four approaches in an ongoing research simulation being done with Dr. Nick Lee, a professor at the Warwick Business School in Coventry, U.K.
Join Tim Riesterer, Chief Strategy Officer, Corporate Visions and Gabe Larsen, VP of Growth, XANT look at this brand new research during the webinar: “How to Dramatically Improve Your Virtual Sales Calls.”
Are you ready to be remarkable in phone or online environments?