Free Download: 3 Cold Calling Templates to Get You That Meeting
Cold calling is a tough job, and most seasoned sales professionals can vouch it’s getting harder today than it ever was. Customers are short on time, impatient, and most of all, they have the power to purchase without the help of a sales person. At XANT, we’ve looked at over one million cold calls to see what are the plays that work to get you the meeting. You can download our free cold calling templates to learn some golden tactics for phone sales.
XANT data shows that cold calling has a conversion rate of 6.3%. This is significantly higher than emailing a prospect (standing at an estimated 1-3% today). For this reason, thousands of sales professionals are still using it as sure-fire way of getting in touch with their prospects.
But once you have your potential client on the phone, how do you get your point across?
Here’s three cold calling templates that we put together to help you get a meeting with anyone. We did walk through them on our webinar with Jason McElhone from MarketSource about cold calling. If you missed that fabulous conversation, you can still watch it on demand here.
The Help Play
“People don’t buy products, they buy the results the product will give them” — just a short reminder from Brian Tracy on why you’re on that sales call. This is why when you are trying to help your customer, rather than sell to him, your chances of success skyrocket.
This is why starting your sales call with an offer to help is always a good bet. Download the play templates to see exactly the sales sequence we used to make our cold calls work.
The Commit Play
You got a total stranger on the phone, now you need to keep them there enough to give your sales pitch. Naturally, a sales pitch shouldn’t be longer than one or two minutes, but why would anyone give you that of their time? You can start off your sales call by getting your prospect to commit to listening to your sales pitch.
Get our cold call templates and see an example of how you can do this.
The Question Play
What’s your prospect’s biggest challenge? What is keeping them up at night? If you are cold calling, we safely assume you know the answer to the question already. If not, you need to get back to the drawing board, because your strategy has a serious problem.
All great products are successful because they solve a problem for your customer. So start your cold call by touching on the paint point of your prospect, and you won’t ever have an issue and getting them to listen.
Download Cold Calling Templates
Download our free cold call templates to see how you can apply these sales strategies to your sales cadence. Keep in mind that a healthy, wholesome sales sequence contains multi-channel touches. You can use LinkedIn, email, social, voicemail or even texting in some cases to reach your potential customers. No one sales cadence is confined to a single cold call.
In fact, research has shown that the best sales cadences include a minimum of six touch points to maximize chances of success.
What’s your best cold calling strategy, and how do you put it into play? Tell us below!