Executive Speed Camp Fuels Sales Success
XANT customers know how to sell. They make up the best sales teams in the world and operate like high-performance machines.
But even high-performing machines can improve.
From July 22 to July 24, XANT hosted 13 executives from seven companies for the first Executive Speed Camp.
Those in attendance included:
What is Speed Camp?
Speed Camp is a consulting, conditioning and coaching experience for sales executives, customized for each organization. The goal of Speed Camp is to improve sales results.
Speed camp is facilitated by experts from XANT’s Momentum Strategy Team, including Ken Krogue, president and founder, Dave Boyce, vice president of strategy, and Gabe Larsen, director of strategy.
“The purpose of Speed Camp is to help our customers maximize their potential,” Boyce said. “By combining their experiences with what we’ve learned through years of research, we know we can create a customized consulting experience designed to improve sales results.”
How does it work?
For three days, XANT takes care of everything.
Participants are treated to black car service, five-star accommodations and the pristine Wasatch Mountains, which provide the perfect setting for 100% focus on improving sales results.
At Speed Camp, executives work together to solve problems as well as receive coaching on XANT best practices, which stem from decades of research.
“My Speed Camp experience has been amazing in the sense of being around peers that have been struggling with a lot of the same issues that I’m struggling with,” said Lauren Delfino, director of account management at ZipRecruiter.
By the end of the camp, XANT coaches and visiting sales executives roll up their sleeves and work together to create individualized, six-month success plans.
It all starts with the XANT ResponseAudit. The ResponseAudit tests how well your sales reps are following up on inbound web leads, what your average response time is, and how many times your reps call or email each lead.
Following the audit, we run your organization through our 7-Tier Benchmark. This benchmark uses 21 questions on a 7-point scale to determine where you need improvement.
Armed with this information, our experts can help you map out your current state process and determine which specific changes to implement in order to reach the results you want.
These plans come with ongoing coaching, ensuring your organization stays on track.
How do I get involved?
XANT will offer its next Executive Speed Camp on September 23.
Visit the Executive Speed Camp page for more information and RSVP today.