Shocking new findings rock the inside sales industry
XANT is more than a software company. We’re a science company. We believe first and foremost in the indispensability of data and science in achieving meaningful results for our customers.
Part of that entails studying our market in great detail. Take, for instance, our recent State of Artificial Intelligence report, which is the product of extensive surveys of thousands of people to gauge their attitudes toward this most disruptive technology.
This survey’s results were very interesting. But the best stuff we left out of the official report.
For example, our State of A.I. survey determined that:
- Two percent of people feel very negatively toward A.I. owing to of the fear that smart machines may become self-aware and attempt to destroy mankind, requiring Arnold Schwarzenegger and expensive time travel to set things right.
- 13 percent say they wish we would spend less time working on A.I. and more time developing flying cars, which have been promised to humanity for several decades now.
- Five percent say forget flying cars, it’s ridiculous that in the year 2017 we still can’t put metal in a microwave.
- 78 percent want to see comedy-optimized algorithms able move the TV series The Family Guy into the realm of actual humor.
- 11 percent would consider backing a C-3PO style protocol droid’s candidacy for US president, if one were to run in 2020.
- 87 percent are never fooled by any chatbot that introduces itself as ‘Willie’.
- 28 percent lost faith in A.I. when Clippy was removed from Microsoft Office.
Remember Clippy?
XANT has a database of over 100 billion sales interaction data points which our software uses to very reliably help sales reps predict which prospects are most likely to buy their product. Among other things, our data show that potential buyers are more likely to answer cold sales calls on rainy days or within three days of their local professional sports team winning a game.
Here are some other, lesser-known facts revealed by a deep dive into our proprietary dataset.
- Five percent of sales leads are more likely to answer a cold call if their favorite contestant on the Bachelorette received a rose the night before.
- 100 percent of sales team leads who win the Powerball Lottery are guaranteed to never make another work-related phone call again.
- 84 percent of software sales reps have yet to successfully explain to their parents exactly what it is they sell.
- There is a slight, but statistically significant, correlation between a potential customer’s likelihood of answering a cold call and the phase of the moon (hint: the full moon is your friend).
- 17 percent of sales reps regularly pray to St. Leonardo, which is their name for Leonardo DiCaprio’s character in the movie The Wolf of Wall Street.
- 53 percent of sales teams experience large increases in workplace satisfaction, and pants size, in offices where unlimited free donuts are provided.
- 67 percent believe April Fool’s Day corporate blog posts need to do a better job showing some semblance of believability.
Seven percent (meaning: one) of the above bullet points is actually true. Do you think you know which one it is? Make your guess in the comment section below.
To learn more about how our data science-driven A.I. technology can seriously help your business accelerate sales and increase revenue, contact us today. You will not have to deal with any chatbots.