Top Sales Experts and Authors to Broadcast Weekly Google Hangout Discussion

You might have heard about Google Hangouts, but if you are like me, you probably thought of it as a chat tool much like Facebook Chat. However, it has the ability to be much more powerful than that, taking communication to a whole new level.

Google Hangouts is soon to be the platform thought leaders and authors will utilize to engage in meaningful conversations and debates using video conferencing technology while an unlimited number of viewers chime in on the connected event room.

How It Works

The platform allows for up to 10 people to engage in a live video call while others simultaneously take part in the discussion in a chatroom environment.

Every week starting Friday, August 9th, Ken Krogue will invite top inside sales thought leaders, authors and experts to participate in the live video call and anyone interested to take part in the group conversation.  The recurring event is called “Hangout With Ken.”

What to Expect

These conversations will often tackle a controversial topic in need of in-depth analysis. Friday’s Hangout will be on using LinkedIn as a tool for cold calling. A recent webinar spurred disagreement on the issue.

Once a month, XANT will host a similar Hangout, “Insiders Hangout.”

Possible topics for “Hangout With Ken” and “Insiders Hangout” include:

  • Power of Google+

  • Death of SEO

  • Death of Cold Calling

  • Inside Sales vs. Telemarketing

  • Reaching the Unreachable

  • Predictive Analytics

  • Local Search

  • Twitter and Lead Generation

How To Participate

There will be a link for upcoming Hangouts on Ken’s Google+ page and XANT’s Google+ page. The link to Friday’s Hangout is already available.

The first “Hangout With Ken” will take place Friday, August 9, 2013 at 1 p.m. Pacific Time. Most weekly Hangouts will take place on Friday at 10 a.m. Pacific Time.

If you are interested in being a speaker in the video chat, contact Gabe Villamizar at See you there.

Connect with Ken Krogue on Google+ to stay up to date on future Hangouts.

Keep the conversation going by using the hashtag #kenshangout.

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