Xvoyant X-Factor Speaker Series | The G Show 6
Last week, I had the honor of participating in the XVoyant X -Factor Speaker Series, it was a fantastic event. Rob Jeppsen did a great job organizing the event, and we had some incredible speakers – sales experts with years in the industry.
Here’s our summary of the event, watch the video for some awesome photos!
Jill Konrath started off the event and she made a great point about time management. If you’re a sales representative and you’re not doing time managament appropriately, you’re done. You need to start with eliminating distractions and get over the idea that you can multi-task. I had a great conversation with her after, and everything resonated with me.
We also had Max Altschuler, he did a panel with Matt Evans from Salesforce about sales systems and tech. They showed how sales organizations, when trying to implement technology, need to focus on getting the process right first. If you’re not optimizing you process first and then getting your technology, you are up creek.
Last was Don Cash, VP of sales from BMC software, who is a true sales leader. I thought his presentation ended with an amusing line. He said if you can’t win in sales, you need to go to marketing. He talked about how to identify the characteristics of a winning sales employee, because you can’t pull that out of a hat when hiring.
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