Sales Best Practices Every Sales Professional Should Know
It’s important for anyone involved in sales to keep up with the latest trends and best practices in the industry. These can help in maximizing resources and ensuring efficiency in any sales team. Here are some resources to help you get started.
Sales Best Practices to Help You Get the Most Results
1. 5 Must Read Articles for Inside Sales Professionals
Looking for sales articles worth reading? As the inside sales industry continues to progress and expand, keeping up on the latest best practices and techniques is highly essential if you want to get the most results from your effort. With that being said, here are the 5 best sales articles that supply the best practices and tips for inside sales professionals. Click to read 5 Sales Articles for Inside Sales Professionals.
2. 5 SaaS Sales Principles To Boost Performance
SaaS sales are increasing, and the industry is getting bigger. We’re at the same stage as the PC market in 1983 and the smartphone market in 2003, according to TechCrunch. Having a product people want is key. It will only take you so far, though. To win the game of SaaS, a sophisticated sales process is compulsory. Click to read Grow Your Business with These 5 Essential Principles.
3. 7 Data-Backed Sales Best Practices
Many of you have likely heard the analysis by Corporate Executive Board that B2B customers have completed nearly 60% of their purchasing decisions before ever speaking with a supplier.
This has forced marketers and their organizations to change how they participate in the digital buying process. Click to read Data-Backed Sales Best Practices.
4. How to Be Remarkable, Memorable, and Compelling in a Remote Call
As consumers are becoming more tech-savvy, sales professionals are increasingly using the digital sales environment to close business. But how do you make sure you leave your mark, in a remote call? A call or an online meeting is not the same as face-to-face, as certain non-verbal cues might be lost. Let’s review what the data is so far about how you can make your remote calls more successful. Click to read How to Make Sales Compelling Remote Calls.
5. 5 Tips for Effective Multi-Channel Marketing Campaigns
We’re experiencing a resurgence of direct mail as an effective sales tactic. Around 65% of leaders say that they are likely to respond to a direct mail piece, according to XANT recent research. And yet, only 38% of companies report using direct mail. We asked an expert how you can effectively include direct mail in your account-based multi-channel marketing campaigns, and have come up with a list of actionable tips. Click to read Tips for Effective Multi-Channel Marketing Campaigns.
6. Top 3 Things You Need to Perfect Your Sales Cadence
Old-age questions: How often should I be contacting my leads? Should I use email or voicemails? The VP of XANT Labs, Gabe Larsen, was a guest this week on the B2B Growth Show podcast. He discussed the three elements you need to perfect your sales cadence. And, you guessed it – one of them is sales cadence research to show you industry averages. Click to read Things You Need to Perfect Your Sales Cadence.
Avoid becoming stagnant and continue learning through the latest trends and best practices in the industry. This can help in ensuring you’ll get the best results with the amount of effort you put in. We hope you found some useful tips and tricks on our list to help you get started.
Do you have sales practices that you can share? Leave them in the comment section below!
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