Forbes – 1 Thing Eagle Scouts and Competitive Athletes Have in Common
There is one thing that Eagle Scouts and competitive athletes have in common and it’s making excellent sales people.
In the last 20 years of working in sales I’ve discovered that the competitive nature in athletes and the trustworthiness of Eagle Scouts equate to the same thing in the sales world. That one thing is success.
When we hire at XANT we are looking for a correlation between what is on their resume and the results they have had in life. We’re looking for hard working, disciplined and trustworthy individuals who can join our team. It’s usually the Eagle Scouts and athletes that have these things instilled in them.
There’s a lot more to it than that and you can read more about why these two types of people do so well in sales in my latest article:
1 Think Eagle Scouts and Competitive Athletes Have in Common.
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Author: Ken Krogue | Google+
Summary of Ken Krogue’s Forbes articles