XANT Donates to Utah National Parks Council of the Boy Scouts of America
PROVO, Utah, Sept. 17, 2012 – XANT, Inc., the leading cloud-based provider of sales automation and analytics for inside sales professionals today announced it has selected the Utah National Parks Council of the Boy Scouts of America as the annual recipient of its 1/1/1 Do Good Foundation program in 2012, the third donation of its kind by XANT and its employees. “We do a large annual project that benefits our local community, focuses on youth, and leverages the work of our employees and our technology,” said Dave Elkington, CEO and founder. “Each year we get a little larger in our overall donation because it is a percentage of our revenues. Our model is after the one started by Marc Benioff of salesforce.com. We take 1 percent of our revenue, 1 percent of our labor, and 1 percent of our product for a year and select a cause that we feel will most benefit the youth or the underprivileged in our own backyard.” XANT has helped with a fundraiser for a small private university and a local women’s shelter in its past annual events. In addition, the employees at XANT are often helping at local charity gardens, serving at soup kitchens, and implementing technology for schoolchildren. “The resources provided by XANT will greatly help with the efforts to begin the rebuild and improvement of Camp Maple Dell as well as to enhance the technology we use for our overall fundraising campaigns,” said David Pack, the Scout Executive of the Utah National Parks Council. “We are confident that XANT will be the first of many local companies stepping forward to help improve the scouting experience for the young people in our Council and are grateful for their example.” With 81,000 youth and 43,000 adult volunteers, the Utah National Parks Council is the largest Council in the United States. Close to 2500 Eagle Scouts come out of the Council annually, the largest number in the US. “We decided to lead out with a corporate donation. Coupled with labor and our flagship PowerDialer and lead management database technology we plan to empower the Council with resources to help with the rest of their fundraising projects. We encourage other companies to do the same,” stated Ken Krogue, President and co- founder. “Many of the Council camps are in a state of disrepair. Our employees grew up going to Camp Maple Dell, swimming in the pool and camping under the many pavilions. These structures are 60 years old, and many have been condemned and need to be completely rebuilt. This benefits thousands of young people annually and for decades to come and is where we want to put our resources.”
About XANT, Inc.
XANT has been the leading sales automation platform in the inside sales industry for eight years and has been one of the most popular applications on the salesforce.com AppExchange for five years. XANT, known as the pioneer of research based on immediate response to web-based leads, has been published in Harvard Business Review, Inc., and Forbes.com. XANT recently took a round of investment from Hummer Winblad Venture Partners and several SaaS industry leaders including Josh James, founder and CEO of Domo, and co-founder and former CEO of Omniture, which was sold to Adobe.